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New research shows low levels of trust in business leaders

July 7, 2023

Sober research in this week Management Today revealing stagnant levels of trust in our business leaders by their employees.  

In a time of scandal and public cynicism, trust in leaders is more important than ever.

However, trust levels in line managers and CEOs have remained stagnant over the past 14 years.

The study, conducted by The Institute of Leadership, found that line managers scored an overall trust rating of 67, slightly lower than in previous years, while CEOs scored 62.

The public sector, in particular, showed lower levels of trust compared to the private and third sectors.

Age and working patterns were also found to have an impact on trust levels.

The study suggests that leaders must strive to demonstrate competence, benevolence, and integrity in order to build trust and become successful leaders.

There are many elements needed to build trust, critical amongst them as is respectful two way communication.  Employee surveys can form the bedrock from which trust can be built or rebuilt.

We at Employee Feedback are experts in creating the right survey for your business and can guide you with engagement techniques and communications advice to help build trust and stronger working relationships in your organisation.

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